What is God Like?




To get an understanding of what God is like, you must truly be a child of God.  You will never fully understand how great a God we serve, unless you are a born again believer.  Read more about this here.  After you have accepted Christ into your life, you can learn more about God by reading and studying his word and by attending church.

First to know what God is like, look at God’s son.  Jesus said we can know the Father by looking at him (John 14:9).  God’s nature was manifested to us through his son. 1 John 4:9 says, “In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.” Jesus was without sin, cared for the soul of man, healed the sick, and forgave those that wronged him; he went to the cross for all mankind.

God’s  character has several aspects to it and I will try to explain below.  First look at what the Bible says are the fruits of the spirit.  “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,  Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law” (Galatians 5:22).  So by this we know that he is a God of love, joy, peace….  This is the character that represents God toward his children as well.  He incorporates these fruits to us through a daily basis.  For example, if we sin, God is long-suffering toward us and wants us to come back to him with repentance.  He doesn’t cast us away but shows us our wrong.

Next look at the beauty that God has created for mankind.  Look at the beautiful landscapes, magnificent waterfalls, artistic patterns of creation, and lovely sounds of nature.  We truly have not seen, the majestic work of the Lord, but one day in Heaven, we can see truly his beauty.  Psalm 27:4 says, “One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.”

1 John 5:7 says, ” For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”  We know the word is Jesus by reading John Chapter 1.  The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is what is given to the believers when they accept Christ.  He is also known as the comforter (John 14:26).   John 15:26 says, “But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.”

God is a just God, long-suffering and his mercy is abundant.  James 3:17 says, “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.” Jeremiah 23:5 says, “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.” The Lord God is waiting on all those that would to come to him in repentance because he doesn’t want any to perish.  2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

God is a God of love, mercy but a also a God of judgment.  Isaiah 11:4, “But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth: with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.”  If you haven’t repented from your sins and accept the Lord God, I urge you to do so now.  To learn more about salvation of the Lord, click here. 

Related Scriptures:

Hebrews 4:16 – Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

Titus 3:5-Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

1 Timothy 1:16- Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all long-suffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.

1 John 1:9-If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 3:3- Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

Romans 5:5-And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Isaiah 33:17-Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off.

1 Chronicles 16:29-Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

Psalm 105:2 -Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye all of his wondrous works.

About Tracy K

I am a born again believer who has taught Sunday School, Women's Meetings and written blogs and books for the purpose of the ministry. My sole purpose is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus, the son of God, died on a cross for the sins of the whole world. I believe he arose after three days and now sits on the right side of God in Heaven. I believe Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. Without Jesus, there is no remissions of sins:
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1 Response to What is God Like?

  1. Kristi Ann says:

    Beautiful Pictures of how our True God who art in Heaven Above made the Heavens ( Universe ) and the Earth!!

    Love ❤ Always and Shalom, ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

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